Based near Monmouth, just an hour from Bristol or Cardiff.
Home-Ed Partners was set up to support HE as an alternative to school. We have a track record in partnership learning; planning together a path for your child leading to GCSEs and other recognised qualifications at a pace to suit your family.
Here we provide the opportunity for group learning to inspire and encourage each other with support from experienced mentors who are used to assisting with individually-led learning.
Since June 2017, we have been accredited as an all through school for children from 2 to 19 years with a capacity for 100 students. We can offer courses within part time or full time education leading to exams that can be taken at our centre. Home education students can also access our exam centre as external candidates. Our links with colleges and universities complete the picture
As a secondary trained teacher with extensive experience in private education I know what the goals are and have the courage to come away from the norm. All the current systems of full-time schooling let down the majority of children and families. It is time that education changed to suit families of today.
Being registered as a school validates our ethos of balance between home and school to educate the child. This balance forms and individual ‘cv’ with an appropriate number of GCSEs and other skills that really reflect the emerging adult.